Kayleigh During is a historian, and a popular YouTuber.
She has 172K subscribers on her YouTube channel, ‘History with Kayleigh.’
Kayleigh A.N. During was born on 14 November 1991 in Noord-Scharwoude, North Holland, Netherlands.
She hails from the line of Thuringii, a Germanic tribe.
Her mother’s name is Christa Brouwer.
Kayleigh has two elder sisters, Melanie Aranka Dominique During, and Jaimy Wormsbecher During, and has a younger brother, Morrison Brouwer.
Melanie is a paleontologist, she studied paleontology at Universiteit Utrecht.
Kayleigh got bullied at a young age.
Born | Kayleigh A.N. During; 14 November 1991, Noord-Scharwoude, North Holland, Netherlands |
Ancestry | Dutch |
Education | Architecture |
Occupation | YouTuber |
YouTube channel | ‘History with Kayleigh’ |
Years active on YouTube | 2020-present (covering history) |
Genre | History |
Subscribers | 172K |
Height | 1.76 meters |
Love for history-
Since a young age, Kayleigh has been inquisitive and passionate about history.
As a young child, she used to skim through the encyclopedias in her mother’s house, encyclopedias fueled her thirst for more knowledge.
Also, Kayleigh used to thoroughly read her history textbooks, and always got straight As in history in high school.
Growing up in a historic town in the Netherlands cemented her love for history; she has also been fascinated by the history of her country.
In addition to history, Kayleigh was also very good at English, she always scored A+ in English tests.
She was asked to not attend the English class, and only take the tests as Kayleigh used to continuously interrupt her teacher, correcting her pronunciation.
Combining her passions & becoming a YouTuber-
In July 2012, Kayleigh underwent a coccygectomy (tailbone removal surgery) and became bedridden, confined her to the home and was unable to work.
Due to always being at home, she grew depressed, so she started researching about her passion, history to just pass the time.
Eventually, Kayleigh created a video and was hooked by video production, and thanks to this, she continued making videos.
At that time, she was studying architecture, and it was her passion, so she combined her passions of architecture and history, and created videos on the ancient structures; ‘Ancient Structures’ playlist has been her personal passion project.
At the time, Kayleigh was with her ex, and was leading a hectic life, she found relief and refreshment in producing videos.
Even though she started her YouTube channel way back on 16 June 2007, she started consistently publishing videos onto it only from March 2020.
For a long time, Kayleigh desired to work on her YouTube channel and publish history videos, but lack of self-confidence held her back, but in 2020, she overcame her insecurities and started publishing videos on her channel, ‘History with Kayleigh.’
After being depressed for a few years, as her body started recovering physically, she too recovered from depression.
Her first video & starting small-
Once, Kayleigh watched ‘Outlander’ TV show and saw a woman travelling through the stones back in the time; this stone circle influenced her and rekindled her passion for history.
Thanks to this TV show, she wondered about the existence of a real stone circle, and found a stone circle, Calanais Standing Stones, in Isle of Lewis, Scotland.
Kayleigh started researching Calanais Standing Stones and found an extensive excavation survey of around 400-pages long, and after reading it, she decided to create her first history video.
So, her first YouTube history video was on Calanais Standing Stones.
Later, as Kayleigh published a few other videos, she felt her first video to be of subpar quality with loud background music, so, she unlisted it for around six months, and then deleted it.
She started filming her videos with just her phone, without a setup and lights; later, she upgraded, and started using cameras and a gimbal.
Becoming successful & her inspirations-
On 29 August 2021, Kayleigh premiered, ‘Air-Conditioning Invented In 3100 BCE?’.
This has been her most popular video with more than a million views, and it helped her gain 27,000 subscribers in a month, and greatly helped in the growth of her YouTube channel.
As of January 2024, Kayleigh has 172K subscribers on her YouTube channel.
She earns from a variety of sources: advertisements, ‘Super Thanks,’ Membership, and sponsorships on her YouTube channel; she also sells merchandise and accepts donations on Patreon.
Kayleigh is a full-time YouTuber.
Her YouTube inspirations are Curtis Woodside, Matt Sibson (Ancient Architects), and Jimmy Corsetti (Bright Insight).
Kayleigh lives in North Holland, Netherlands, and is tall at 1.76 meters.
Some interesting facts about Kayleigh-
- Egypt is her favourite civilization to study, she loves the length of Egypt’s history, and also Egypt’s monuments, and Egyptians’ beliefs and religion.
- Mace-heads from North Wales made out of stone are Kayleigh’s favourite artifacts.
- Egypt is her favourite country; she travelled to Egypt, and also to Belgium and across the border of Germany.
- For multiple years in high school, Kayleigh tried to learn German but was unsuccessful and gave up.
- She grew up with a father loving sci-fi, and at 7, she watched her first sci-fi movie, ‘Stargate,’ and this has been her favourite sci-fi movie.
- Kayleigh loves the movies of Robin Williams and grew up watching his movies; she also likes Jahannah James.
- Her favourite queen is Hatshepsut; and she loves the memes of Kara Cooney.
- Kayleigh is a polyglot, as she knows English and Dutch.
So, how are you inspired by the success story of Kayleigh During?
Share with me in the comment section below.
Boyd Ramsay · February 17, 2025 at
I saw Kayleigh’s podcast on the “Hobbits” of Flores. Given the” many legends of “little people”,
“leprechauns”, etc., I wonder if there are some old bones in colder caves or dryer places – that
could be linked to “Hobbit” genes in modern populations. I remember seeing Wilson Smith
on TV, about his many-times great grandfather’s bones, DNA, and the story of the Siriac Farm,
and how it became the Smith farm. I suspect you will enjoy the story of Journeyman Smith
and his wives, too.
I’d like to opt-out of emails, unless Kayleigh wishes to send me one.
Naveen Reddy · February 18, 2025 at
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Alexander · February 7, 2025 at
First of all… as human beings… we see what we want to see, and believe in what we want to believe (proof: religions, reincarnation, political ideologies, ghosts, hell, heaven, etc.”
Secondly… throughout the history of humankind (especially for the last thousand years or so), there were countless claims and hoaxes, proven and unproven beliefs throughout the so-called “mainstream scientists” (e.g. early mainstream scientists believe the earth was flat, until proven wrong later… and they killed the guy who proved that earth is NOT flat, and it’s NOT the center of the universe – as in it’s revolving around the sun. Well-known and credentialed Egyptologists used to believe that the pyramids of Giza was built by slaves, until recently they have proven wrong that it was built by volunteers, citizens and paid workers).
Thirdly, this host is not a credentialed historian or archaeologist or geologist… but rather just a host of a show who repeats what “mainstream” scientists have established with their own beliefs under their own available knowledge. And by experience and history, we’ve known and proven “mainstream” scientists can be wrong again and again. NOT only that, they (among these groups of mainstream scientists) do have their own hidden agenda, their own beliefs, and their own power struggle just like politicians and other academicians. The proof is in the rise and fall from grace mainstream scientists like the Egyptologist Zahi Hawass. There are always biases, partisan politics, and hidden agenda among these so-called “mainstream” scientists. Think of Galileo and the Catholic church, Zahi Hawass and Mubarak and the western museums.
And lastly, the way she presents her video here… so convincingly and believing (even mocking and degrading her subjects… not only in attitude and gestures, but also passionately in her tone of voice and context) in what she is saying… there are absolute biases and NO room for open-minded possibilities… even though she is not a trained and credentialed archaeologist, historian, or even a practicing scientist! Her background is some schooling in architecture and… reading a lot of encyclopedias!!!
Wayne · November 26, 2023 at
I have only just discovered Kayleigh’s videos on YouTube, and I am hooked! I am so glad that she persevered and beat back what must have been pretty awful challenges, to emerge into the sunshine of a new dawn and to now be able give all of us such high quality, immersive experiences.
Kayleigh, you are simply amazing and your fans clearly adore you.
Jim · June 30, 2023 at
I can’t get enough Kayleigh. She is delightful!
Naveen Reddy · June 30, 2023 at
Yes, indeed!
Pablo Kagioglu · June 27, 2023 at
Thanks for publishing this, I was curious about her. I follow her on YouTube, interesting content.
Naveen Reddy · June 27, 2023 at
You’re welcome, Pablo!